We are thrilled to announce that Pete Baikins is a winner of the Imagination Leadership Award. The Institute for the Future (IFTF) gave this prestigious award to only 100 Urgent Optimists. This is out of more than 1200 members who participated in 2023. Winners shared ideas, imagination, insightful questions and unexpected thinking with fellow members.
Urgent Optimists is a community that helps you see the future. It taps into the power of collective imagination and many different perspectives. Pete joined the Urgent Optimists community after reading Jane McGonigal’s book Imaginable. Followers of gamification will know Jane wrote the books Reality is Broken and Superbetter. Her latest book builds nicely upon the first two books. It applies gamification to visualising the future. As a result you build mental resilience and are better prepared. The Urgent Optimists community is a place where the ideas from this book are being implemented.
Pete says “The Urgent Optimists is a source of hope for the future. It is a community of change makers helping each other and the world.”
In addition to the nicely named award each winner was also given a unique digital artwork:
‘To visualize the unique creative process, we asked the Midjourney AI to show us what constructing a “utopia factory, imaginetic center and sanctuary for social imagination” might look like. We created 100 unique variations on this imagination prompt, and you are receiving one of them as a reward.’
Take a look below. It’s a cool image don’t you think? I also think it is a great type of reward, personalised to the topic and unique (i.e. exclusive) so feels more valuable. Would you use this type of AI generated reward in your next gamification project?