We hosted our latest meetup last night! The meetup was a workshop hosted by Gamification+ placement student Kira Downer (also the post author and will refer to myself in first person from now on).
I tell my story of how I got into gamification in this blog post: From Player to Professional.
My interest in Personal Branding emerged in 2018 when I was applying for placements during my second year of uni and I quickly realised that I wasn't really showing the most polished version of myself online... in fact, most people aren't.
(Having the opportunity to test out my workshop in a safe environment and get valuable feedback on how I can improve is an excellent example of gamification in practice.)
There's a big difference between organising and presenting at events.
As an organiser you have to book the event space, make sure all attendees know where the venue is, prepare food and drink...
As a presenter, you have to be totally present at all times, ready to answer relevant questions and keep on top of timing.
It's rewarding to be able to see all sides of the event process. I've been an attendee, an organiser and a host. Now that I've got a point of view of all of them I can improve much faster.
Thank you to everyone that attended and gave their feedback. It's going to allow me to improve in my delivery and organisation of presentations and workshops in the future.
If you'd like to read more about the workshop, you can check out the workshop in this post on my edublogs website: https://blogs.brighton.ac.uk/totallykira/2019/06/28/i-piloted-my-first-gamified-workshop-last-week-heres-how-it-went/
On a side note we are taking a break from organising meetups over the Summer. We are going to focus more of our attention on organising Gamification Europe.
If you'd like to keep up to date with us in the meantime, we are all very active on Twitter. You can use the links below to follow our activity.