We run a one day course in partnership with the University of Brighton on gamification for human resources. This occasionally runs as an open course, or you can book it to be delivered in your workplace at any time.
New concepts – ways of engaging and motivating, learnt some new exciting stuff
Gamification is the process of applying game design theories to everyday situations, including business, to enhance performance in your organisation. The concept is simple: redesign everyday routines and tasks – in everything from employee training and recruiting to product testing and sales force management – to be more game-like and interactive, ultimately making work experiences more engaging, fulfilling, fun and productive.
Gamification is no longer just a buzzword: it is forecast to be a multi-million dollar market by 2018, according to Markets and Markets. Gartner predicted that this year (2015) more than 50 percent of organisations would gamify their processes. Already SAP uses games to educate its employees on sustainability, Unilever uses games for training, Hays uses it for hiring recruiters and the Khan Academy uses it for online education. Organisations that use gamification from the initial, induction stage of employment see better business outcomes such as performance, engagement and retention, according to Aberdeen Group reports.
People respond positively to loyalty, reputation, reward and status and by introducing a gaming culture into the workplace we recognise these influences and can use them to drive performance. Our one-day course will show how gamification can benefit your company, particularly your HR department.
Very interactive & engaging workshop style, it was useful to discuss ideas with others from a variety of depts
What will I get out of it?
The course will give you the knowledge and the confidence to apply the relevant gamification strategies and techniques effectively. You will also gain an understanding of the role gamification can play in modern HR, its strengths and weaknesses, as well as how to avoid common pitfalls. You’ll learn when and how to add gamification to your business and have an understanding of what gamification can do for HR in your organisation.
Course details
By the end of this course you will know when and how to employ gamification and have an understanding of what gamification can do for sales and marketing in your organisation.
What does the course include?
- What is gamification and why I shouldn’t ignore it
- Its benefits for HR departments
- The psychology of fun and engagement that gamification encapsulates
- How to apply gamification in HR in order to:
- Attract
- Engage
- Induct
- Train
- Retain
- Gamification in action through case studies on health and wellness, incentivising administration, innovation management
- The dangers of relying on monetary rewards and exploring the alternatives
- How to motivate staff to accept a game by:
- Raising awareness
- Building buy-in
- Introducing an initial adoption
- Maintaining and refining strategies
- Relate games mechanics to your business objectives and reasons for using
- Next steps: quick win tactics and long term strategies.
Who should attend this course:
This course is for HR managers and staff or professionals that are interested in improving their HR strategy and its programmes. The course will suit those that either have little or no previous experience of gamification. You will learn how to choose the right strategy and maximise the positive effects.
It will also be useful for people who don’t want to actively create gamification strategies themselves but need to know how it works to enable them to manage others (including external agencies) who create and run gamification platforms on their behalf.
Who is leading the course?
Gamification expert Pete Jenkins, founder of Gamification+ Ltd. Pete is entrepreneur in residence at Brighton Business School, University of Brighton and chair of the International Gamification Confederation (GamFed).
Costs: £275 for the one-day course. Fees are VAT free and include course materials, lunch and refreshments.
Date: To be arranged, 9.30am – 4.30pm
Location: University of Brighton
Register your interest: For more information, or to find out how we can deliver this course in your workplace, please contact [email protected]
More feedback from course attendees, strengths of the course:
Good Pace, Entertaining/learning.
Interactive, plenty of group exercises
FUN! Lots of collaboration
Very good course in gaining basic understanding for gamification
Application of gamification techniques
Real examples, participation and range of methods employed
Good range of teaching techniques, good use of examples, lots of interaction
Very interesting & interactive
New concepts – ways of engaging and motivating, learnt some new exciting stuff
Allowed me to understand gamification
How you got everyone to engage
Good examples, good trainer, variety of exercise
Food for thought
Engaging and informative
Very interactive and good fun
Very interactive, lots of practical exercises
What do you think you will do differently as a result of attending the course?
Think about applying gamification to more areas of my work (engagement)
Am going to plan how to use this tomorrow
Use my knowledge gained in my workplace
Training – implement more games
Consider how to apply gamification techniques to my job
Examine areas for improvement
Have more of an open mind about use of gamification
Engage implementation of ideas, consider leadership of this areas within the business
Examine opportunities to gamify processes
Look at what we already do. Perhaps look at developing dept gamification strategy.
Try to implement in training sessions
Think more about including games in my work
Use todays course to evaluate company scheme
Adopt a different methodology to achieve buy in