This course will help you save money and time towards your end goal of successfully launching and boosting engagement in your project, app or campaign. It will teach you how to select the right rewards for a given situation or project that will increase motivation. Your 'players' in this course can be employees, customers or service users, the process for choosing is remarkably similar across all.
What you'll learn:
a. How to identify the traditional rewards, such as physical goods and cash, that aren't effective for long and are expensive to utilise.
b. How to find new rewards that will stand out from the crowd and resonate with your users - oh, and these will be cheaper to provide than traditional rewards.
c. How to create rewards that are long lasting in their motivational effectiveness and loyalty to your brand.
You'll also come away with:
- A list of hundreds of reward ideas, that have worked for our clients, for you to use.
- Your own personal list of rewards that you can draw upon for your current and any future projects.
Enjoyable and inspiring bite-sized missions
I highly recommend this course to anyone seeking to motivate their employees and make them feel valued. The bite-sized mission videos and interactive tasks were really enjoyable, and Pete's friendly and engaging teaching style left me feeling inspired.
Deborah Garfen
This course has 4.5 hours of video content across 63 bite size videos. It includes interactive exercises, contributions and advice from previous course participants, plus links to relevant external resources such as podcasts, TED talks, research papers, business articles and more. Check out the Quests and Missions below for more detail about the topics the course will cover.